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The Words You Need

Spotlight on Writing Services

Text Is Alive and Well in the USA

We're a society driven by images, yet according to some sources, the average American reads about 100,500 words a day online. At that rate, you could read the entire King James Version of the Bible in a little over a week.

Our eyes dart around the internet looking for images to consume, but when we find one we like, what do we do? We start asking questions.

The text with your online images determines the success of your connection with your audience. That's where we come in.

We're a real estate photography company, so it just might be one of our images which gets a consumer's attention, but with our writing services we can do even more.

As the infographic illustrates, storytelling initiates a very important process in the brain. After a potential home buyer falls in love with the pictures of a house, they start reading the description. Does your description tell them a story which makes them want to live in that house or is it just a regurgitation of home's stats?

When someone searches the web for a real estate agent, they may click on your page because they like your picture, but what then? Can they imagine what it would be like to do business with you or have you just given them a list of awards? Why would they care about your awards if they don't know who you are?

If an image of yours gets attention on social media, is there a next step for your audience? Will you get the satisfaction of a bunch of clicks or will the image be the start of a relationship with potential clients. The right text can give your audience a reason to call you rather than just hit the like button.

You might have an absolutely gorgeous website with animation, music and video, but does it actually tell your audience what you do, how you do it, how much it will cost and how to contact you? Will they be focused on your website's cuteness or on hiring you?

More and more these days potential clients shadow vendors for months, even years before they actually make contact. Are you merely showing them great images or are you giving them text which hooks them? These are the questions you must ask yourself.

That's why we're here. You do what you do and whatever it is, it's probably not writing. You're busy offering products and services to your clients. It's what you do. We write. We understand storytelling. That's what we do.

So, give us a call and let's talk about what we do can help sell what you do. Whether all you need is a bio for your company webpage or you're looking to start a social media campaign, we can help you tell your story in a way that will bring customers to your door - and we can probably do it for a whole lot less than you realize. Our writer's name is Jane and you can reach her at 972-971-5263.

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